The company holds the Certificates of Compliance will notify in advance to the Body of Control any significant change that may relate to products recognized or your organization. The Body of Control, following reports or in case has elements that can produce doubts about the conformity of products, can proceed with the request to get representative samples of the products or the availability from the company to receive audits urgency. The company is committed to operating in a manner similar to that for the cosmetic products for human use, described in Chapter VII of the Regulation 1223/2009 EC (Market Surveillance), with the difference that the communications required to be directed instead to the Body of Control the competent authorities of the Member State. In particular, the company will have to verify the significance of any recorded event and mentioning it in the Product Information File, assess the relationship with the cosmetic product and implement all corrective actions, which will be promptly communicated to the Body Control in case of adverse events serious. The classification of the adverse event and its management should follow the guideline COLIPA “Guidelines on the management of undesirable event reports. 23 August 2005”